3 Tips For Choosing Your B2B Market

Which industry you get involved with depends on a variety of factors.

Vadim Lidich
The Startup
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2019


So you’re developing a software that helps enterprise companies save on costs, make more money, or improve efficiencies.

Perhaps it’s a new kind of recruiting app, a marketplace for specialty real estate, or an IoT solution that optimizes conveyer efficiency in the factory.

Each year, the number of niche software solutions mode for a particular industry gets larger and larger. Started by former industry veterans, these companies solve large-scale problems in industries like construction, garbage collection, and wealth management. 💰

So how do you pick the industry of focus for your product? Below I’m going to outline my 3-step framework for choosing a target industry for an Enterprise SaaS solution.


Let’s take a step back and analyze your situation. You have an idea, an MVP, or an early version of Enterprise SaaS product.

To move forward you need connections. Connections to give feedback on the idea. Connections to help develop a product. Connections to allow a commercial pilot. Connections to help market it and spread the word. Connections to open doors.



Vadim Lidich
The Startup

Serial Entrepreneur, Product Architect, Advisor & Investor. Democratizing Access to Justice at coSquare.co Treating Medium like Twitter with no character limit.