Entrepreneurs Don’t Need Great Ideas

They need something else.

Ferris Watt
The Startup


Photo by Kon Karampelas on Unsplash

Everyone sees entrepreneurship as having this secret business idea. Sometimes it happens like that. But not every great business was founded on some ultra-complex idea. What you need is a precise execution.

Take Amazon for instance. Bezos’s original idea was to create an online bookstore. The ’90s saw a boom in internet presence and Jeff thought it was valuable to buy books directly from distributors rather than brick and mortar. It was not a complicated idea as people were already purchasing products online. It was a mix of online shopping and books.

Amazon is about as far away from an online bookstore as any business today. They sell everything under the sun, manufacture their own branded items, created AWS, built cloud computing, and so on.

Bezos didn’t have all these products and services in mind when he started. He may have had a long casted idea of what an internet business could scale into, but surely not what it’s become today.

What Jeff had on his side was execution. His idea (at the time) did not involve detailed algorithms and bulky supply chains. Just a simple business model to purchase books online.

