Environments in Software Development

In Development, we have various environments we deploy to

Steven Curtis
The Startup


When we deploy software, you will be told to put in on Prod or Dev. What do these things mean, and why is it important?

Read the following article and find out!

Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging


Here are some of the definitions and what they can mean

Deployment: All the activities that make software available for use

Development Environment: The environment you use when you create software

Environment: The Operating System, API calls and databases used by software

Production Environment: The environment used by the end user of your software

Staging Environment: An environment somewhere between Development and Production

Why is there a need?

Why do we need different places to deploy our code to. Now imagine you work for a bank, and want to test a feature where a customer can withdraw £1000 from their account (or Mickey Dollars, whatever monetary or bartering system units you use).

