Error On The Right Side of History, and Make a Profit at the Same Time

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
The Startup
Published in
4 min readOct 22, 2019


It’s time to take out the trash that holds back your business

Let go of the garbage, and build a better business model, Christyl Rivers

There is a world-wide upheaval going on, in case you did not notice. From inequality, to civil unrest, to migrating refugees, to the climate crisis and more, history is happening. Will you, and your business, be on the correct side of history?

Protests in Hong Kong, across Latin America, in Europe and, elsewhere erupt each day. In recent weeks, the largest movement ever to hit the streets came as millions of youth rose to bring attention to how greed before a healthy planet isn’t going to work out, especially for diminishing species and the most vulnerable people.

So far as we can tell, only the penguins in Antarctica are not protesting and it’s not for lack of a reason to do so.

You may not even believe in climate change, so you opt out. But wealth inequality and under-representation by the marginalized is also undeniable. You may not wish to give up single use plastic, or lobby for clean jobs, but nevertheless you and your industry is affected by the increasingly energized pulse of the public.

The public view of how industry is viewed is necessarily more critical daily. Your customers, as well as your team, are going to be noticing things from natural lighting…



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
The Startup

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.