Things to consider before you start a change network

Four of the biggest mistakes change leaders make before they launch a change network

Jonny McCormick
The Startup


If you’ve ever been involved in an organisation change you’ll no doubt have heard the term “Change Network”. The term carries a lot of baggage and whilst there’s no standard definition there are some common characteristics of what we mean when we refer to a “Change Network”.

Put simply a change network can be described as a group of people in an organisation who have responsibility for helping the organisation land the changes and helping people in the organisation adapt to the future state.

First off, it’s important to know that a change network isn’t a silver bullet to making sure that your change goes well. Sure, when established and empowered correctly they can contribute to that process (sometimes contribute significantly!).

When embarking on a change many organisations rush to establish a change network because it can contribute to the feeling of momentum but, before you establish such a network there are four important things to consider that are often overlooked.


It’s tempting to establish a change network early, especially if your change isn’t subject to NDAs or…

