Every Writer Should Be Playing Dungeons & Dragons

You’ll never run out of inspiration again.

The Startup


Photo by Muhammad Haikal Sjukri on Unsplash

Dungeons & Dragons is a popular tabletop role-playing game that has been around for literal decades. It is often referenced in media as a way to identify really nerdy characters, but now the interest in this game is climbing at an astronomical rate — so much so that a new Dungeons & Dragons movie has even been announced. Anyone who has played D&D will tell you that it has plenty to offer its players, but there is one group in particular that stands to gain from playing it: writers.

Role-Playing Makes Great Characters

As a writer, you are forever trying to understand the motivations of your characters. You want to know how they would react — and why they would react that way. Writers who understand their characters on a fundamental level create rich and engaging personalities that readers can feel. There are a lot of different ways to go about creating realistic characters, but Dungeons & Dragons can offer some unique insights because of the role-playing element.

One of the things that surprised me as a writer playing D&D is the ways that it makes me think through my character. When you sit down and walk into an encounter, the entire situation suddenly becomes very real. Writing a scene…

