Everything is an object in Python

Bryan Ortiz
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJun 3, 2020
Bottom-line, everything we see in this world is composed of atoms (little tiny objects)

“When all you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail” — Bernard Baruch.

If you have heard the saying from Bernard Baruch that’s written above, then you know that it means: open your mind, not everything is a nail just because you have a hammer. But even though that explanation applies for the real world, if you immerse yourself in the artificially created universe of python, then you can safely assume that everything that looks like an object is in fact an object, and anything that does not, is an object as well.

Because in Python, E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G is an object, from the types: int, float, bool, strings and tuples; to lists, dictionaries, and many more.

Mutable Vs Immutable Objects

An immutable object is the one that cannot be changed or edited once its been created (i.e. string or float).

If we try to modify a letter of string_1 we get an error because strings are immutable and do not support item assignment.

Python understands that if you write something in between apostrophes like the word “hello” for example, then that word becomes a string object automatically. And if we assign that string object to a variable (i.e. string_1), then the variable becomes a label for that object. Furthermore, any object can be pointed by several labels(variables) at the same time. However, if we change “hello” for “hi”, for the variable string_1, then that variable will be the label for another object, which is “hi”, who has a different id, because each object can only have one unique identifier or id.

In this case, the immutable object “hello” has two labels (string_1 and string_2) until string_1 changes to be the label of the object “hi”

On the other hand, a mutable object is the one that can change throughout the run-time of the program, just as a blue car that was painted red, and had its wheels replaced did not become another car, the same happens with a “list” (an example of a mutable object type) in python.

List that contains 3 types of elements (int, float and string).

You can change some elements from it through time, but the “id” of the list would remain the same, meaning the list would be the same object throughout the run-time of the program, unless being deleted before, off course. In the following picture, you can see that we replaced the string “forty two” for the string “meaning of life”:

The id of list_1 remained the same after one of it’s elements was modified.

Bellow you can see a diagram which classifies each type in Python as mutable or immutable, and the relationship between those types and the variables that are assigned to them:

But wait, by this time you may be asking yourself, how are the objects created on python?. Well there are objects that come by default, like the ones mentioned above (tuple, int, string, etc.), and some that we as users can create.

Classes and Instances

The first step to create an object, is through a class. A class is like a blueprint, in which the general requirements are written, like in cars, some basic requirements to consider are: it needs to have wheels, engine and doors for people to be able to enter. We don’t need to specify what color, or how powerful the engine needs to be at the class level, we can leave that to the instance level. The instance is the same as the object that belongs to the class.

Let's say we make a class Car, so the object in this class is off course a car, but personalized; meaning it has some specific attributes. Let say we want to build a blue Camaro with an engine of 3000 cc and two doors, or we could make another Car object (a caprice) that’s yellow, with 1300 cc, and four doors. Both of them are cars but with different attributes, which in python are called instance attributes, precisely because they can be different for each object.

Note: The __init__method is used in Python to initialize instance attributes

How arguments are passed to functions

When you pass an object as an argument in a function, what python does is to pass a new reference (or label) of that object into the function, so for example, if we pass a list (mutable object) as an argument, changes can be made to the list from within the function through the new reference that points to it. Remember, a new reference does not mean a new copy of the list, so thats why every change made to the reference is made to the original list itself, like we can see in the picture bellow:

n (the argument) is the new reference or label to the list l1, if you change the fist element of n, then you the original list is modified as you can see above. This type of functions are called modifiers and the changes they make are called side effects.

But off course if you assign n to point to the object v is pointing, then if you print n is going to print [4, 5, 6] but l1 would still print the original list [“Item changed”, 2, 3], like you can see in the example bellow:

If you don’t want an argument in a function to modify your original list, then you need to use pure functions, which are the ones that make a copy of the object first, and then work on that copy, like you may see on the next image:

copy = n[:] makes a copy of the original list, so any change that comes after that, does not affect the object pointed by l1.



Bryan Ortiz
The Startup

Software development student at Holberton School