Explain By Example: Kubernetes

Michelle Xie
The Startup
Published in
18 min readFeb 27, 2020


My parents have always been in the food business. For my entire life, my dad has always been a chef which is a bit ironic because I’m a terrible cook. Growing up, none of my families or relatives knew much about the tech so often, when I had to explain “tech” to my parents, I would use food analogies to draw on something they were already familiar with which lead me to think about how I could use food to explain Kubernetes…

Before we jump into the kitchen, let’s try go over some food safety guidelines first. In other words, before we jump into Kubernetes, let’s discuss the importance of containers first.

Wait, what are containers?

According to Docker, a container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another.

To really understand what that means, let’s talk through how we usually make a meal. If your response is, “A recipe and some grocery shopping” then you are only partially correct. When we make stuff, we tend to forget about the boring stuff like the hardware, in this case, the kitchen and kitchen tools. And if you get really hyped over kitchen tools then I must apologize for offending you. Think of this meal as the application. How do we make an application? If your response is, “Write some…



Michelle Xie
The Startup

I like to write (and it turns out, not just code)! I am currently the creator and author of the ‘Explain by Example’ series and the ‘bad ideas’ blog.