Four Levels of Self-Awareness

A journey from “the world I have to live in” to “the world I change.”

Hoang Nguyen
The Startup
Published in
5 min readDec 30, 2023


Four Levels of Self-Awareness
Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash

Several years ago, in a profound discussion about “leadership” with my colleagues, I described myself as a solitary planet within an immense cosmos, perceiving surrounding relationships as meteoroids. I believed that too close an encounter would inevitably lead to a catastrophic collision, damaging both entities.

However, with time and introspection, I’ve understood that this perspective was the root of many challenges I faced in relationships. I’ve since shifted my belief, embracing the idea that everyone embodies a distinct universe governed by unique laws that deserve recognition and respect. This is a moment I call “advancement in self-awareness” in my journey toward heightened self-awareness.

In retrospect, traversing this journey of dismantling former beliefs and cultivating new ones, I pen down these reflections. Hopefully, it’s clear and helpful for your path of self-awareness.

Four Levels of Self-Awareness
Image provided by author

Level 1: The world I have to live in

