Exponential Growth Isn’t Always a Good Thing

Growth needs to be manageable and sustainable

Jonny McCormick
Summit Plus


Photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

Have you heard about the invention of chess?

There are a few different versions of the story but they all come down to the same lesson — small things can make a big difference.

Rumour has it that when chess was invented the King was so enchanted with the game that he offered ‘any reward’ to the inventor. That’s right, any reward.

The inventor had, what on the face of it seemed like a really simple request. His ask of the king was:

“… take a grain of wheat and place it on the first square. On the second square place two, on the third square place 4, on the fifth square place 8…and for each square continue doubling the amount of grain…that’s what I want.”

The king was initially a bit dumbfounded. He thought the request was quite tame. He was half expecting to be asked for gold and riches that would equal that of the king himself. Or, perhaps for land and property. Or, maybe for power and status. But instead this inventor had a measly request for grain. The king summoned his treasurer, ordered him to pay the inventor his…

