Facebook’s Threat to Leave Europe Shows How Toxic the Company Has Become

In the last 4 years, the relationship between Europe and the US has degraded, leaving scars on many companies. But no American company has threatened to leave the common market on the grounds of “if you don’t accept my terms, then I’ll pack my things and go”.

Mihai Sandu
The Startup


Image by gfergu1 from Pixabay

For some time now, the US big tech has been put under scrutiny by the EU. Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon have all been fined or are in an ongoing trial. But up to now, none of them threatened to stop its services if it doesn’t get its way.

Since 2016, scandals followed Facebook like flies follow horses. The 2016 presidential elections fake news epopea, Cambridge Analytica, the platform role in Myanmar’s genocide, US Congress investigation, EU commission investigation any many more. A full timeline of all Facebook scandals can be read here.

But in all of these scandals, the company acted as a skilled politician with public statements like “we deeply regret the role that Facebook played in ‘X’ event and we assure you that we are doing our best the combat and fix these issues in the future. The solution is more AI. We can fix this”. Soon after, a…



Mihai Sandu
The Startup

A software developer interested in writing about programming, technology, environment, and self-development. Twitter @mihais77