Deploying the WHY and WHAT and Empowering Teams to Define the HOW


Techniques and principles for objective setting

Matt Lane
The Startup
Published in
7 min readJul 24, 2020



  • Strategy is so much more than, say, the outcome of a successful strategy, e.g., such as a desired growth metric (increase subscriptions by 70%). Strategy is thinking about the critical issues worth concentrating resources on and rethinking (or reframing) the initial identification of the key problem area with more than one response to the stated problem. It is to reduce the problem scope to make it achievable.
  • OKRs are the tactics that describe what teams need to do to achieve part of a stated strategy, usually on a rolling quarter basis, in a fast-moving and uncertain environment. You do not get alignment and autonomy for free by simply adopting OKRs. It is only one part of the operating model of doing strategy work.
  • OKRs should be incorporated into your organization ASAP, as doing so helps to build the muscles and the discipline leaders and teams will need to effectively carry out this formal process once the business has achieved product/market fit, which is when management by objectives begins to make even more sense (you will be able to manage what can be measured after the business realizes, for example, a…



Matt Lane
The Startup

Product strategist focusing on differentiation, conceptual design, and ways of working.