Fanfiction and Copyright: Has the digital age rendered copyright laws obsolete?

Aly Wilkins
The Startup
Published in
11 min readJun 23, 2019


This article will argue that the digital age has rendered copyright obsolete as the proliferation of Internet fanfiction has demonstrated that contemporary copyright is working against its original aims. Copyright originally aimed to promote the sharing of ideas and cultural enhancement achieved through the creation of original works, as well as educating the public by providing an economic incentive to create new works (Netenal, 2010). Fanfiction has always existed in different forms, and it is an essential form of cultural expression. Internet fanfiction is a platform for the sharing of ideas and expression of culture; including the culture of those who’s views are not represented in traditional media. Fanfiction also serves to educate the public by allowing new writers to practice and improve skills, and providing a platform for sharing knowledge and ideas. In addition to the positive effects of Internet fanfiction, all of which aligns with copyright’s original goals, internet fanfiction is a non-commercial creative expression and does not compete on the same market as the original work, and does not interfere with the economic incentive to create new works. Conversely, fanfiction often serves to introduce new readers and promote the original work. The examples of the Seinfeld trivia book and the Harry Potter Lexicon explore…

