Fantastic Innovators and Where to Find Them

Buket Aymak
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJun 23, 2019

I travelled to London last week to visit one of my best friend and I suprised her buying tickets to Harry Potter Studio Tour, 1 hour drive to London.

Actually I dragged her behind my passion to this extraordinary world of magic created by an extraordinary talented woman JK Rowling. Yes, I confess that I am a Harry Potter fan…

Photo by Pierre Châtel-Innocenti

I follow every mind steps of her and people in WB studios. These people are great innovators. They transform knowledge to value. Money, joy and memories in this case. Knowledge is derived from stories, profession, talent and imagination. To materialize the dream power and imagination requires a huge talent and knowledge. This is real innovation…

So I am deeply affected by the tour and I dedicated the subject and the headline of this article to Harry Potter and Fantastic Beats world of magic.

When I walked on the aisles in the studio I was suprised to think how a small children book made such an impact. Some stories told next to a child bed created a giant business. Every corner in the studio was like a store. No way you can go out without buying anything from wands to books, from T-shirts to key chains. Even candies and butter beer as described in the books. I survived just buying a pencil and a very cool Hogward’s Notebook (oh my God… I hope I did not purchase Tom Riddle’s diary 😳😳).

JK Rowling and WB studios never stop building upon building on this giant world. It is full of possibilities like explained in the book of great author Simon Sinek titled “ The Infinite game” (to be in the stores at autumn). You can download the sample here. Harry Potter and his friends ( can I be considered as his friend too? 😍) will be long lasting in the infinite game created by JK Rowling and WB. She is like Steve Jobs of fantastic world. I admire her imagination. I know it is not real but everything I saw in Diagon alley made me excited like I would do shopping there. I went back in time when I read the books, imagined how Diagon alley looked like. To see the materials you imagined in your mind years ago feels different.

I think this can be only understood by dreamers like me. Come on… we call us visionaries in the business world.

Now lets focus on the world we currently live in. How do we recognize real innovators in the workplace? Their rate is around 2.5%. It is not me counted them one by one, someone else did. I am the messenger carrying the information like an owl ( very difficult not to be pulled by the magical world. I am cursed. Please excuse me).

Photo by Richard Lee

Innovators are normal people looking from outside and they seem ordinary. When they start talking, you understand there is something behind the surface. They speak fast like catching the ideas running around on the sky invisible to you. They jump from subject to subject like wondering in the pathways of a forest. Sometimes they come back to main road back again, sometimes you find yourself in a completely different area. You don’t understand how and when you are dragged to this place. They make you feel exhausted.

They look at the same things but see different things than you, things you never see before until shown and very visible to everyone in fact. You feel that how I did not see it before, how I did not think it before because so obvious. Our senses are so limited and our brain likes to work on energy saving mode. Most of the time we miss opportunities of seeing, listening, touching, feeling, tasting and being. Innovators start to dream it and they seek what they dream to sense. This is why they can see the things not visible to others. It is about awareness.

They are prone to wondering and thinking about invisible world whether it is mind, soul or ideas.

They like to challenge the status quo. I am sure this is very well known by everyone. If there is someone who is not happy with existing rules and processes in the workplace try to observe them. They may be your little innovator fairies seeking something better for everyone.

Innovator’s life is about continuous change. They don’t like doing the same thing over and over. They have difficulty to focus long time or enjoy to practice something to make it perfect, if it does not help them to think about something. They like to try different things in music, art, sport just to feel the experience.

They are not afraid of being alone because they are never alone. They are being the part of uniqueness. They flow in the life as part of the whole.

Photo by Warren Wong

They are emphatic people and this is one of the most precious asset of innovation. Feel the others.

They are high energetic people and focus on getting results. To transform an idea to a value, you need very much energy. To create an idea does not mean you are an innovator. You have to make it real to create a value. So it consumes energy as described on Newton’s energy law. So simple enough…

As they talk a lot, they read a lot too. This helps them to find the dots to connect unconsciously. They seek them in the books. One book opens another gate to a different book for more opportunities. They enjoy jumping between the books and the world of their authors.

They try to help for greater good. They have high purposes. They want to change the world for better in their dreams. Their solutions are for the people who seek for help or joy. Sometimes animals, environment or planet itself not only the people.

What the danger of these innovators are, they may be bored with the routine and leave everything behind for the next adventure. So they need some help from colleagues to share the load. They start with a great excitement and fall in the trap of thinking that everybody around feel the same excitement too. When they realize the truth, they loose the faith and quickly turn to move on their own way.

They enjoy the use of words “feeling” and “believing” rather than “thinking”. They are the masters of “Gut Feeling”.

These are some indicators of innovators. If you want to catch them in your organization try to organize some club and social activities. Observe the ones who tell the stories. Ask them some catchy things from their past experiences. Or simply send an email to join an adventurous project. In order to join they have to fulfill some jobs. Run some campaigns to help community or wildlife. These people will jump to donate or help.

Start a mindfulness class and ask for participants. Run a philosphy or book club.

Importance is to give the chance to everyone. Not all of us can be innovator and we don’t have to be. Innovators need a great team. Noone is superhero and successful projects are run by successful team. Great teams include people with different skillset. The most important thing is to create an innovative environment for your great people. Look at Harry, Hermione and Ron. Every character have different skillset. They are great when become together. So use your wands carefully. Happy hunting… 🙏✌️

My last word to dear JK Rowling: Why did you kill Dobby? What was the point to break our hearts? I never forget your big eyes my dear. RIP Dobby. 🙏❤️❤️



Buket Aymak
The Startup

Founder at Fidelis Consultancy OÜ. Visit: #Entrepreneur #Electronics Engineer #Innovator #Day Dreamer #Innovation Consultant