Feeling stressed? It’s time to slow down

Louis M. Morgner
The Startup
Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2019


It’s Thursday evening, 10pm. I’m siting in my room and asking myself: “What’s the point of all of this. Should I just quit?”.

I started my first year of university this week. Monday morning, I was excited. I structured my day, felt motivated to study and felt like no one could stop me from achieving the goals I set for myself. I went to my first lecture, being grateful for the opportunity I was given — study International business at Maastricht University.

Fast forwarding a few days. I am sitting in room doubting whether or not I am following the right path for myself.

How can something, I felt so sure about change that drastically within a few days?

To be honest, I felt overwhelmed. After the first few days, there were so many new things to learn, exercises to finish, assignments to hand in and things to take care of. My world changed from feeling like no one is stopping me to drowning in the obligations I had to meet.

I know from many of my fellow students that they feel the same way. Pressured into managing all the expectations. Our world changed within a week to the worse. But how can we change this?

Change your perspective.

My days were cramped with so many events, session to study and todos that it…

