Files & Directories in Ruby: A Primer

Mindy Zwanziger
4 min readJul 18, 2019


Because sometimes the documentation has too much information.

Two important classes: File & Dir.
Dir works with directories. File works with files.


It’s a lot like working in the command line!

Getting Started

Dir.pwd: returns the path to the current working directory as a string.

Dir.chdir("../folder_name”): changes current directory to the directory in the argument.

Dir.glob("pattern"): looks at the current directory and returns an array of files that match that pattern.

  • Example 1: a pattern could be "*txt" and Dir.glob would return all of the files that end in .txt within the current directory.
  • Example 2: a double asterisk like "**/*.txt" will tell Dir.glob to look for any files that end in .txt within any directory above the current directory.
  • Example 3: to include multiple types of files, use curly braces like this

Creating a Dir Object"directory_name"): creates a new directory object that references the directory that’s been passed in as an argument. So if you have a directory named “data”, with three files in it, this method creates a Dir object with those three files accessible as part of the object.

Pssst…if this doesn’t make sense yet… keep reading through the “Using a Dir Object” section and then come back (context can be helpful)"directory_name") {block}: similar to but allows you to use a block to work with the directory.

Using a Dir Object

Directory objects are often used by storing the directory in a variable:

my_directory ="data")

Then, you can do things like iterate over my_directory:

my_directory.each { |file| puts file }

Or use instance methods like #entries:


Which returns the contents of the directory as an array.


Path Methods

File.absolute_path("file.txt"): returns a string of the absolute path of a file (the file.txt file in particular). An absolute path is the path from the root directory. A relative path is the path from the current working directory.
*Interesting note — not all operating systems use the same style in their path structures (for example — Mac uses forward slashes, and Windows uses back slashes).

File.join("path", "file.txt"): returns a string of the joined arguments in the format that is applicable to the current operating system. *Solves the problem from the interesting note above! Can take as many arguments as you want.

  • Example 1: if my current directory is "/Users/Mindy/Desktop", File.join(Dir.pwd, "file.txt") would return "/Users/Mindy/Desktop/file.txt" on a Mac or "\Users\Mindy\Desktop\file.txt" on a PC.
  • Example 2: File.join("Users", "John", "Downloads", "file.txt") would return "/Users/John/Downloads/file.txt" on a Mac or "\Users\John\Downloads\file.txt" on a PC.

File.basename("path"): returns the name of the file that the path leads to as a string. A second optional argument can remove part of the string.

  • Example 1: File.basename("/Users/Mindy/Desktop/file.txt", ".txt") returns "file"
  • Example 2: File.basename("/Users/Mindy/Desktop/file.txt", "xt") returns "file.t"

Reading & Writing Files"code.rb", "r"): creates a new File object. The file itself can, but doesn’t have to exist as this will create it if it doesn’t exist. The second parameter can be any of the following.

  • r — for read, allows you to output the contents of a file by calling read on that file, but only once. It’s like a VHS tape and you have to rewind it to read it again.
file ="hello.txt", "r")   # returns file contents # returns nothing
file.rewind # like a VHS tape # returns file contents
  • w — for write, writes over everything in the existing file (if there is one).
  • w+ — for read and write, writes over everything in the existing file (if there is one) and also adds the read permission.
  • a — for append, adds any new content at the end of the existing file (if there is one)."code.rb", "w"): a synonym for unless it also includes a block. The File object will automatically be closed when the block terminates.

Instance Methods

This is after we create a File object, let’s call it file.

file.readline: returns the file’s contents one line at a time. Returns an error when it gets to the end.

file.gets: same as #readline except instead of getting an error, the function returns nil.

file.readlines: returns the file’s contents as an array of single lines.

file.each {block}: calls a block on each individual line.

file.puts("text"): writes the argument to the file, returns nil, and adds a new line.

file.write("text"): writes the argument to the file, returns the number of characters in the argument, and does not add a new line.

Other Methods"name"): returns true if the argument is a directory. Why would this be useful? When iterating through a directory or using the#entries method from above, the current directory (.) and the parent directory (..) are included in that list. We may want to include only files that are or are not directories.

my_directory.each do |file|
puts file unless

The above will only print the file if it is not a directory.

Note: Information was gleaned from various tutorials. Some methods or use cases may be out of date at the time of publishing. Please be gracious!

That’s all, for now!




Mindy Zwanziger

A teacher turned developer on the hunt for simple explanations to complex ideas.