Financial Responsibility

How I taught myself to better manage my money.

Shannon Leigh
The Startup


Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

I used to be really, really terrible with my finances. Luckily, I’ve managed to teach myself how to completely turn that around.

Not to place blame, but managing my money was never something I was taught as a child. I simply observed my parents having the funds and spending as they pleased.

I didn’t learn to be financially responsible until I’d become quite irresponsible with my money. This led me to feel so much discomfort that I knew I needed to make a change. And while it took time, as most big changes do, the payoff has been large (no pun intended).

So here are some simple financial habits I’ve implemented that have made the world of a difference. By no means is this list applicable to everyone’s situation, but I can certainly attest to the fact that it helped me.

Paying off my credit card each month.

This might come as a surprise, and I’m actually ashamed to admit it, but until my mid-twenties, I wasn’t aware that there was a difference between paying your minimum monthly credit card payment and paying off your entire balance.

It wasn’t until someone told me rather bluntly that I was, for lack of a better term, shooting myself in the foot. I…



Shannon Leigh
The Startup

I’m basically a house cat with a penchant for introspection.