Find Your Message

The foundation of a great presentation

Russell Rowe
The Startup


Photo by Andrew Measham on Unsplash

The Foundation

I vividly remember standing in a room in front of some important stakeholders. I needed them to buy-in to my project in order to get the budget approved to continue our work. I was half-way through my presentation when I felt the sinking sensation of disinterest from this highly influential audience piercing through me. My palms were sweating, anxiety started to build, and I realized at that moment they weren’t feeling the passion for my project I needed them to feel.

As I finished my presentation, I knew I hadn’t hit the mark. There were no questions and as the leadership team politely thanked me, I knew the funds to continue my project weren’t going to be approved.

What went wrong? I prepared well and knew my subject better than anyone. I was prepared to answer any questions they had and could speak about my project as an expert. Why weren’t they engaged with my presentation?

Later, as I reflected on my presentation, I realized where I had failed. My message wasn’t clear. I had spent so much time on the details of the project and preparing the words and images I wanted to share, I didn’t really focus on the message this audience needed to hear. The details of the project and the benefits it would bring weren’t enough. I…



Russell Rowe
The Startup

I’m passionate about helping people become better communicators.