Finding your way to creativity

Suresh Kumar
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2018

Einstein said that “Imagination is more important than knowledge” because “knowledge is limited to what we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand”.

Image credit GapingVoid

Steve Jobs said that “creativity is just connecting the dots”

No magnificent product of the imagination whether a technology, a product or a philosophy was created in a complete vacuum.

When you start looking at creativity as a process of combination and imagination as the ability to connect, stretch and merge things in new ways creative brilliance becomes less mystifying. A creative genius is just better at connecting the dots than others are.

Before you can connect dots, you need to have dots to connect. The more material you are exposed to in this world, the more dots you’ll have for your imagination factory.

The beginning of the genius is curiosity. It is the essential part of becoming more creative.

Expand your interests in life. Seek out new, interesting experiences, no matter how mundane or inconsequential they might seem to others. Read books watch documentaries, meet different people, discuss your ideas with others. You will never know where your imagination will find pieces for its puzzles.

Nikola Tesla was a genius visionary, inventor and scientist. His inventions are very foundational to this modern world that we can not live without them. He fully immersed himself in the world of electricity. he read hundreds of books. he conducted 1000s of experiments and took copious notes.

The more diverse your knowledge and experiences are, the more likely you are to be able to create new associations and fresh ideas.

Your mind has an incredible ability to cross-pollinate different things to solve problems in unique ways or envision new creations.

Mark Twain said “All ideas are second-hand consciously or unconsciously drawn from a million outside sources”

It takes curiosity to find your call to adventure. It takes courage to step into the unknown. It takes imagination to create your path. Create it exactly as you envision it, no matter how much work it takes, or how many people try to stop you.

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