Five Free Apps That Helped Me Write Better Articles Faster

Improve the structure and form of your articles with five new writing tools.

Cosmin Angheluta
The Startup


Smiling woman taking notes in front of her computer
Photo by Zen Chung from Pexels

People will never solve the quantity versus quality conflict. And if you are a content creator, you may wonder on which to focus. But you will never find an answer.

Some think you will produce bad articles if you focus too much on quantity. And since nobody will read them, you will never succeed.

Others think you need to focus more on quality to create enough content. Otherwise, you will have limited reach and never get discovered. So the result will be the same.

But what is the correct answer?

In such a competitive and doubtful environment, the success road stays between quantity and quality. And if you want to succeed, you must produce more high-quality content. So here are five free apps that helped me write better and faster articles.

(I already selected five other productivity apps for content creators before. Do not miss them.)

1 — XTiles

Writing with XTiles — Courtesy of the Author
Writing with XTiles — Courtesy of the Author



Cosmin Angheluta
The Startup

I build weekly challenges, ideas, Notion templates, and tracking infographics to become the best version of yourself @