Five Python Projects for Beginners

Have you just finished learning the basics of python? Then it’s time to show your skills with these fun mini-projects.

Manan B Shah
The Startup
Published in
5 min readAug 16, 2020


Learning a new programming language is both a challenging and exciting part which we always experience. For me, that language has been Python, As coders, we all know the best part of getting towards the path of perfection in any programming language is by building projects. With that in mind, let’s discuss a few python mini-projects which you can implement and polish your skills in python.

I would recommend not referring to the code below at the beginning. First, read the project instructions and try implementing them on your own. That will be the most challenging part—seeing if you can do it based on your current knowledge alone. If you get stuck feel free to get back and check the code out.

If you get stuck with any of the mentioned projects below, feel free to contact me and I’ll try responding as soon as possible. That, or just look online—remember: Google is your best friend.

Let’s get started.

1. Password Generator

Write a program that generates a random password for the user. If you want to make it better, you can add features by asking users who long they want their password to be, how many letters or numbers do they want. Have a mix of Upper or lower case and symbols.

You can even create a GUI based password generator if you are aware with tkinter library or even a normal password generator would also be perfectly fine.

Using Tkinter → It is the standard GUI library for Python. It generates a random password in the form of a GUI based Application. we can implement the code as shown below:

2. Basic Calculator

To make simple calculator in python to perform basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of two numbers entered by the user. To make a calculator in python, first provide 5 options to the user, the fifth option for exit. After providing all the five options to the user, ask the user to enter his/her choice, and perform the desired operation as shown in the program given below.

3.Number Guessing

This is a simple yet exciting idea. You can even call it a mini-game. Make a program in which the computer randomly chooses a number between 1 to 10, 1 to 100, or any range. Then give users a hint to guess the number. Every time the user guesses wrong, he gets another clue, and his score gets reduced. The clue can be multiples, divisible, greater or smaller, or a combination of all.

You will also need functions to compare the inputted number with the guessed number, to compute the difference between the two, and to check whether an actual number was inputted or not.

4.Binary search algorithm

Create a list of random numbers between 0 to 100 in a list and a assign a parameter(n) which is the number to be found from the list of numbers. Using loops

The binary search algorithm works by splitting a list into two, and then checks on which half the item being searched for can’t lie. The process of splitting is repeated on the half where the item can be until it’s found, or you have an empty list

Important points

  1. List should in ascending order
  2. first value should be lower bound
  3. 3. last value should be as a upper bound
  4. mid value = lower + upper / 2

(Check out my previous story on different types of search algorithms, which also includes a detailed explanation of binary search algorithm. Understanding the basics of algorithms and the related field of data structures is essential for doing serious work in pretty much any branch of computer science.)

5. Dice Rolling Simulator

This project involves writing a program that simulates rolling dice. When the program runs, it will randomly choose a number between 1 and 6. The program will print what that number is. It should then ask you if you’d like to roll again. For this project, you’ll need to set the min and max number that your dice can produce. For the average die, that means a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6. You’ll also want a function that randomly grabs a number within that range and prints it.

Final thoughts

The Python projects discussed in this blog should help you kickstart your learning about Python and push you to learn more about Python practically. This will be very handy and helpful when you are trying to consider a problem and providing a solution for that using Python.

If you get stuck somewhere or want me to write more such content on intermediate level projects feel free to contact me, you can contact me by commenting below or through my website link below.

