Five PyTorch Tensor Operations you had absolutely no idea about

Siddhant Baldota
The Startup
Published in
6 min readMay 30, 2020
Photo by Frank Vessia on Unsplash

Getting Started with PyTorch


PyTorch is a relatively new and robust deep learning framework, having a dynamic computation graph and supports flexibility. It was designed primarily by Soumith Chinatala, Facebook AI Research. The new version (1.4+) supports deployment without need of Open Neural Network Exchange(ONNX), thus making it production ready. It supports scalable distributed training and performance optimization in research and production is enabled by the torch.distributed backend. It has a robust ecosystem for computer vision and natural language processing tasks among other deep learning applications. It is well supported on cloud platforms and recently Microsoft offered its cloud support to azure. Pytorch is more flexible than any other deep learning framework out there

Photo by Rafael Pol on Unsplash

Pytorch, as every other deep learning framework has a N-dimensional arrays for computation, which can be used on GPUs too. These N-dimensional arrays are called Tensors. Traditionally numpy arrays were not made for deep learning and won’t run on GPUs. This is the reason we use tensors which are similar to numpy arrays but are written with a CUDA and C++ backend so as to offer GPU computation. Pytorch provides a large variety of Tensor operations, similar to its contemporaries Tensorflow with Keras and MxNet with Gluon.

You might be familiar with the generic ones such as torch.rand(), torch.tensor(), torch.abs() , torch.ones() and much more, but there are a few top secret Tensor operations were hidden from us and we would have to dig deep down in the documentation to look at them.

  • torch.baddbmm
  • torch.bmm
  • torch.cholesky
  • torch.geqrf
  • torch.logdet


Photo by Owen Beard on Unsplash

To install pytorch on your kernel/ notebook, go to .Under Quick Start Locally you’ll be provided with the installation preferences. I have installed the CUDA 10.1 version using Anaconda. Run this command once you’re in your conda virtual environment.

conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch

You can install locally via pip too. This downloads a wheel file and executes it

pip install torch==1.5.0+cu101 torchvision==0.6.0+cu101 -f

Importing the torch library

To import pytorch after installation, simply type the following line in your python file/shell or Jupyter notebook

import torch

I hope that you have already installed Pytorch and are eager to know more about the non- generic functions. So let’s get started

Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash


torch.baddbmm(input, batch1, batch2,*,beta=1,alpha=1,out=None)


  • a Tensor


Performs a matrix multiplication on tensors batch1 and batch 2, batchwise and adds the input tensor to the final product. alpha and beta act as the weights for the product and input tensor respectively


  • batch 1 and batch 2 must be 3-D tensors, with the same number of matrices
  • if batch1’s shape is (b x n x m), batch2’s shape is (b x m x p) then input must be a (b x n x p) tensor, which makes the output to be the same shape as the input tensor


  • input — the input tensor
  • batch1 — the tensor of shape (b × n × m)
  • batch2 — the tensor of shape (b × m × p)
  • beta — (optional) — weight for input
  • alpha — (optional) — weight for the product matrix of batch1 and batch2
  • out — (optional) — the output tensor
a cell from my notebook

A tensor of shape (5,20,10) is returned

a cell from my notebook

A tensor of shape (6,2,3) is assigned to the tensor ‘a’ which can be seen by performing a.size()

a cell from my notebook

Here the function returns an error as the first tensor is of the shape (b ×n × m) but the second tensor is not of the expected shape (b ×m ×p), thus they can’t be broadcast together

This function should be used to perform weighted batch-wise multiplication of tensors.


torch.baddbmm(input, mat2,out=None)

This is a simplified version of torch.baddbmm


  • a Tensor


  • Performs a matrix multiplication on the input and mat2, batchwise


  • input and mat2 must be 3-D tensors, with the same number of matrices


  • input — the input tensor of shape (b ×n ×m)
  • mat2 — the tensor of shape (b ×m × p)
  • out — (optional) — the output tensor

Note that this function does not broadcast

a cell from my notebook

A Tensor of shape (5,20,4) is returned

a cell from my notebook

A tensor of shape (6,2,4) is assigned to the tensor ‘a’ which can be seen by performing a.size()

a cell from my notebo

Here the function returns an error as the first tensor is of the shape (b × n ×m) but the second tensor is not of the expected shape (b ×m ×p).

To be used in Multi Layer Perceptrons


Photo by John Moeses Bauan on Unsplash

torch.cholesky(input, upper=False, out=None)


  • a Tensor


  • Performs the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive-definitive matrix A or its batches


  • input tensor of shape (a,n,n) where a is whole number and n is a natural number ‘a’ denotes the batch size, if any, of the symmetric postive-definite matrices


  • input — the input tensor of shape (*,n,n)
  • upper — (optional) — boolean value, if set to True returns the upper triangular matrix, else returns the lower triangular matrix. The default values is False
  • out — (optional) — the output tensor
a cell from my notebook

We get a lower triangular matrix since the default value of upper is False

We get a upper triangular matrix since we set the value of upper to True

The Cholesky computation of a singular matrix cannot be calculated

Can be used in Single Value Decomposition


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

torch.geqrf(input, output=None)


  • a tuple of Tensors (a,tau) of the form (Tensor,Tensor)


  • Low level function for calling LAPACK directly. torch.qr() can also be used
  • Computes a QR decomposition of input, but without constructing QQ and RR as explicit separate matrices.


  • input matrix of a given shape


  • input — the input tensor
  • out — (optional) — the output tensor

A tuple of Tensors (a,tau) of the form (Tensor,Tensor) is returned.

The length of the tuple is 2

Wrong data type passing can result in errors

Used in implict QR decomposition



y = log(x) . Screenshot from my colab notebook


  • a Tensor


  • Performs the computation of the log determinant of a square matrix or its batches


  • input tensor of shape (a,n,n) where a is whole number and n is a natural number ‘a’ denotes the batch size, if any, of the square matrices


  • input — the input tensor of shape (*,n,n)

Note: -inf is returned if determinant is zero and nan if determinant is negative

The log of the determinant of the square matrix is performed correctly

The log of the determinant of the square matrix is performed correctly

This occurs because the matrix c is not a square matrix

Single Value Decomposition results are used when input is non invertible.


You have learnt about five awesome Pytorch Tensor operations, their return types, their arguments, their requirements, their utilities and how to use and not use them in Python code.

Author’s Note

This is just the beginning in your journey for deep learning. A lot remains to be discovered. So what are you waiting for ? Go, fall in love with Pytorch and dive deep into the ocean called Deep Learning

Photo by Gatis Marcinkevics on Unsplash

