5 Models That All Marketers Should Understand

Fundamental theories to improve decision-making in business.

Daniel Hopper
The Startup


Theories that every marketer should understand
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

Really smart people who work at universities and stuff come up with theories and frameworks that help us to better understand how things work. Business is no different.

So as a business owner or marketer — if we know and understand these theories on the underlying processes behind how business works and how customers behave, the more objective we can be with our decision-making.

Meaning we have a better chance of success.

This article explores five theories and models that all business owners and marketers should understand.

The Ansoff Matrix

The first theory is the Ansoff Matrix, a popular framework for decision-making about growth and expansion strategies. H. Igor Ansoff developed the framework, published by the Harvard Business Review in 1957.

The matrix is called the Product/Market Expansion Grid.

Ansoff’s thoughts were that firms must continuously grow and change to create a competitive advantage.

“Growth is essential to run a business for profit and, to study the growth, Ansoff Matrix is a…



Daniel Hopper
The Startup

A marketer and gym addict who shares their knowledge and passion of these things and more. | linktr.ee/BYB_Marketing | Inquiries danz_nz@hotmail.com