Five Things a Junior Software Engineer Should Know

Become a better engineer and avoid the common pitfalls of inexperience

Martin Cerruti
The Startup


Photo by Tom Sodoge on Unsplash

When I started my career as a software engineer almost ten years ago, I made a lot of mistakes. Mistakes are great, because you can learn from them. You also make fewer mistakes in the future, so in a way, mistakes are like compound interest — the more of them you make, the more you’ll know in the long run.

I remember landing my first job. I had some experience working on projects of varying size in my own time, both commercially and open source. While some of that experience certainly carried over into my day job, I was presented with a plethora of new challenges and opportunities for learning; even though it may not have always felt that way at the time.

Ten years, a handful of jobs and many notebooks later, I took some time to look back on my first decade as a professional software engineer. Some things went well, others not so much. Out of all those notes, I’ve compiled a list of five things I feel would’ve been valuable to me should I have known them when I started out.

In this article, I’ll elaborate on those things I consider most valuable as a junior software engineer. Though the journey is different for each and every one of us, maybe they could be of some…



Martin Cerruti
The Startup

Software Architect, Technology Writer, but most of all a programmer.