Flutter Installation on MacOs Catalina

This is a guide on how to set up and install Flutter on MacOs Catalina.

Cong Nguyen Dinh
The Startup
5 min readApr 13, 2020


System Requirements:
Operating Systems: macOS (64-bit)
Disk Space: 2.8 GB (does not include disk space for IDE/tools).
Tools: bash, curl, git 2.x, mkdir, rm, unzip, which, zip

download Flutter from https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/macos

download flutter

Unzip the folder

for the following steps please turn on the path bar ( finder->view-> show path bar/ option+ cmd+p)

double click on the zip file to unzip

go to Users/YourUsername and create a new folder called “Dev” for example

copy the unzipped Flutter folder to the new “Dev” folder

open Spotlight (cmd+ spacebar) and search “terminal”,click enter to open it

open the terminal and go to the preferences cmd+ ,
change Shells open with to /bin/zsh
I use the Homebrew profile, to have a better contrast

hit enter

open the terminal, type: vim~/ .zshrc (enter)

open the flutter website, and copy the following line:

Open the terminal window and type “i” to edit and insert a new line
delete everything in […..] -> export PATH=”$PATH: …/flutter/bin

we have extracted the flutter folder into the Users/Username/Dev folder before
now open the terminal and point to the flutter/bin folder -> $Home/Dev/flutter/bin

hit the Esc key, and type: wq!

close the current terminal window, and create a new one (cmd+n)
run flutter — version, to check if flutter is installed

now download Android Studio from https://developer.android.com/studio and install the dmg

now run Android Studio ( standard setup)

after installation, click on the configure button and open the Preferences

Go to Plugins and install the Flutter Plugin

I changed the font size (Font) so that the code will be more readable and also the theme to Darcula

Go to System Settings-> Android SDK -> SDK Tools and UNCHECK “HIDE OBSOLETE PACKAGES”
Install the Android SDK Tools (Obsolete)

restart Android Studio and start new Flutter project

choose Flutter Application

check if the Flutter SDK path is correct

click on finish and run the AVD Manager -> Tools/AVD Manager

Create a new device

Select an Android Version and download it

Run your virtual device with the triangle button under Actions

good job! we are done with the android part, go to Android Studio and run the program (^R)

Install Xcode and run it afterwards at least one time ( Appstore)

create a new terminal and insert following lines:
sudo xcode-select — switch/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch

you might need to install cocoapods: $ sudo gem install cocoapods

open the ios simulator with the terminal, type :open -a Simulator

run the simulator and start the application in Android Studio

if you want you can install Flutter in VSCode

now open the terminal and run flutter doctor -v to if everything works fine

Trouble shooting

  • you might need to accept the android licenses :
    flutter doctor — android-licenses

Thanks for reading,



