Flutter Tips: Build a Splash Screen with Flutter BLoC

M Adam Dzulqarnain
The Startup
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2020

What is a Splash Screen?

When you open your app on your phone, some apps showing you a logo or a loading bar. That is a splash screen. We can add some actions in splash screen like connection checking, fetch the data, etc.

In this article, I will show you how to build a splash screen using Flutter BLoC state management. I have written some articles about Flutter BLoC. You can read it on these links:

The core concepts of BLoC are Events and States. Simply put, we can call input in BLoC as Events and output as States.

1. Project Setup

Create a new project:

flutter create ftips_bloc_splash

When I’m writing this article, the flutter version I used in this project:

Flutter 1.12.13+hotfix.7 • channel stable • https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
Framework • revision 9f5ff2306b (4 months ago) • 2020–01–26 22:38:26 -0800
Engine • revision a67792536c
Tools • Dart 2.7.0

Add some dependencies in pubspec.yaml:

flutter_bloc is a flutter package that helps implement the BLoC pattern.

and create some folders to store our files, so the structure of the project will be as follows:

Project Structure

2. Setup BLoC

I will write three separate files:


Create a file called splash_event.dart under lib/blocs/splash_bloc. If you have installed a bloc package in vscode, you can simply generate the three bloc files.


Create a file called splash_state.dart under lib/blocs/splash_bloc .

I write three classes:

  • SplashInitial for initial the state,
  • SplashLoading to inform the view that some actions are being executed.
  • SplashLoaded to inform the view that some actions have already been executed.


Create a file called splash_bloc.dart under lib/blocs/splash_bloc .

3. Pages

Last but not least, create some files called splash_page.dart and dashboard_page.dart under lib/pages.

Splash Page

I will use BlocListener to handle navigation.

Dashboard Page

After 3 seconds loading, the page will directed from SplashPage to DashboardPage .

Thanks for reading,

stay safe, stay healthy.



M Adam Dzulqarnain
The Startup

Full time learner part time developer. Available for freelance project reach me on linkedin https://linkedin.com/in/adamnain