For A Successful Life, Diversify Your Sources of Happiness

You need more than one carousel — for when the music stops

Cory Vinny
The Startup


photo by jill111,

In finance, a smart investment strategy is one that doesn’t put all your eggs in one basket. This makes sense. You don’t want to invest all your money in the real estate market in Miami only to see one day that it was all washed away in a big storm.

That would not make for a happy life.

But it’s the same with the things that take up your time, especially when it comes to your job.

You don’t want to build a life that relies only on one source of satisfaction.

If you’re a stay-at-home parent, you need something other than your kids to give you contentment.

If you’re a student, even if you’re kicking butt in your classes, you need something out of the classroom that gives you purpose.

If you’re a high-powered executive, you better find something else to smile about besides work.

Because someday the music will inevitably stop. It’s a scientific certainty.

You need something else.

As with your financial investments, you need a diversification strategy for your life.



Cory Vinny
The Startup

Explorer, researcher, scientist • Former punk turned Harvard PhD • Currently prepping for a global sailboat excursion with my partner and our cat