Forget ChatGPT and Gemini; Check Out These (Unbelievable) Next-Gen AI Tools!

These 8 tools will dominate your workflow & change your life.

Nitin Sharma
The Startup


While ChatGPT and Bard are getting all the hype, I need to level with you — there’s an entire treasure trove of underrated AI tools quietly providing enormous value beyond what the big names can offer.

And that’s why I believe it’s worth looking beyond ChatGPT and Gemini for a moment to highlight some other options.

With this in mind, I am writing this post.

Brace yourself as I spotlight:

  • an AI tool that enables anyone to build a customized chatbot using a simple interface with a lot of insane features
  • an AI tool that can help you in sales and support
  • an AI tool that can automatically generate how-to guides, FAQs, training docs and more
  • an AI design tool that creates web and mobile UI mockups for you
  • a no-code tool that helps you build powerful web apps and even you integrate APIs without writing a single line of code
  • and so on

And the best part is most of these are free to use or offer generous free tiers.

