Forget the Carbon Tax: The Climate “Karma Tax” Is The Perfect Solution.

Climate change is an existential threat to our species. To deal with it effectively we must understand what is causing the harm.

Brad Zarnett
The Startup


Sometimes you need a little push to get you focused in the right direction.

Our current style of capitalism is a “climate plundering and inequality expanding system” that creates extreme wealth for the top 1% at the expense of the the 99%. In 2017, 82% of all wealth created went to the top 1%.

Saez and Zucman 2014

If you dig deeper and look at the rate of growth of wealth accumulation by the 0.1% — .01% in the last 40 years, you can clearly see just how well this system enriches the corporate elite and billionaires at the expense of everyone else.

Why do billionaires even exist? Author Umair Haque suggests that there’s nothing intrinsic about them, they’re simply a policy choice, or failure. He states in his article, “Why



Brad Zarnett
The Startup

I expose the climate fiction that’s peddled as the truth, and I work everyday to find a way to prevent the worst of climate change.