Foundations of Web Development Series, Part II: Creating Your Website

Anushka Saxena
The Startup
Published in
7 min readAug 14, 2020


This guide was developed for web developers at Levare, a volunteer initiative meant to amplify the Black community by helping Black-owned businesses create an online presence.

Package Managers

When starting with web development, you’re going to run into many dependencies that will most probably not already be installed on your computer. The node package manager allows you to install these JavaScript packages in your projects so that you can use them. For more information and to install, check out their website. Yarn also allows you to install packages, and you can find more information and installation here. I recommend installing both so that you won’t run into issues in the future.

Editing Code

A code editor allows you to edit, run, and debug your code. You will need to install a code editor to start developing your code. A popular code editor is Atom, created by Github. It has Github Integration, which makes it easy to work with the Git workflow. Another popular one and the one I use is VSCode, created by Microsoft. I like it because of the style, but either is fine.

Welcome Screen of VSCode

Once you open your project folder, you’ll be able to see all your projects on the left side of your screen by pressing the top left icon on…

