Four Hard Truths I’ve Had to Face As a Creative Writer

I’m committed to writing, creatively, but I’ve had to be honest with myself about what this means.

Michele Koh Morollo
The Startup


Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash

I’m a freelance journalist and copywriter who also writes short fiction and creative nonfiction, but today, I feel like I really suck at writing. Yeah, I used “really”, and anyone who’s serious about writing knows that intensifiers are confirmation that you suck. Today, I’m thinking, Why the f*ck am I even writing? What’s the point of it?

A week ago, I thought I was doing pretty ok. (Yes, another intensifier, at this point, I don’t give a hoot). An article I wrote on Medium got 6.6K views and earned me $252.8. I completed a short story, and was particularly proud of the ending, which took a few months to work itself out. Two long-form features I had written were published in well-circulated glossies. I wrote brand content for a small jewelry company and felt like I had spun straw into gold. And I was asked to chair a panel discussion at a writers’ conference.

But this week other things happened, and now I feel like I’ve been painfully kicked off my horse. I had three submissions and two pitches rejected by editors. Two potential clients I sent quotes to told me my rates were too high. One of these potential clients, someone looking to…

