Four Must-Haves Before You Advertise Your Startup’s Product

You’re about to throw stuff at a wall, so make sure that wall is sticky first

Joe Procopio
The Startup


image by vectorjuice

Is digital advertising dying?

That’s a thorny argument that my peers and I have been having over the last year. I tend to take the death side of the argument. I’m not saying that Google and Facebook’s business models are now broken and both of them are going to crater. But if you’ve been paying attention, the world’s two largest ad networks have recently changed the game — quietly, but rather radically.

The rich — those giant companies with money to burn on scorched earth ad campaigns — are getting richer.

What does that mean for the rest of us?

Privacy and the end of customer as product

Both Google and Facebook are now at least giving lip service to privacy, and making new overtures that they’re letting their product (we the customer) know when we’re being tracked and what information we’re giving up.

As private citizens, this is a good thing for us. As business operators trying to find new customers via advertising, well, we’ve been here before, and it hasn’t worked out so great for us. Digital advertising networks have been feeding us…



Joe Procopio
The Startup

I'm a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. AI pioneer. Building Write at and More about me at