Freelance Writing May Not Be For You — Here’s How to Know

Freelance writing pros and cons that will help you decide whether it’s the right career path for you

Dan Marticio
The Startup


freelance writing pros and cons
Photo by Jason Strull on Unsplash

Thinking about starting up as a freelance writer?

A new Upwork study showed that 36% of the U.S workforce were freelancing full-time during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020— up 8% from 2019.

It’s little surprise why. More people are realizing that self-employment comes with a lot of perks, like the freedom to work when and where you want. But with that freedom also comes downsides like inconsistent income.

If you’re considering freelancing, consider these pros and cons before making the leap to freelance writing.

Freelance Writing Pros and Cons

PRO: Work where and when you want.

Freelancers have the freedom to work wherever they want — or at least, wherever there’s Wi-fi. With everybody working from home, however, this doesn’t seem all that special. (But hey, freelancers don’t have to clear it with their boss if they want to…



Dan Marticio
The Startup

Freelance writer creating straight-to-the-point content for other writers who want to get paid.