Freelancing Is More Secure Than Your Day Job

Side hustlers, now is the time to take the leap

Sarah Duran
The Startup


Image by Sezeryadigar from iStock

Most people believe that being employed by someone else is the most stable and consistent way to provide for themselves and their families. That’s one of the main reasons that the vast majority of Americans work for other people.

Even side-hustlers think their day jobs provide stability, with part-time freelancers citing “worries about income predictability” as the number one reason they keep their day jobs.

We’ve been sold a myth, “Self-employment is risky. Let someone else take care of you.”

I’m not saying working for yourself isn’t risky; it is, but if you think traditional employment scenarios are less risky, you’re wrong. In 2020 the U.S. economy lost 22 million jobs between February and April. To put that in perspective, more than twice as many jobs were lost between March and April 2020 as were lost during the entire Great Recession. Because of the way benefits are traditionally structured in America, this also left millions of people without health coverage in the wake of a global pandemic.

A year later, unprecedented numbers of people are quitting their jobs to find more money, flexibility, and meaning. Many of those people are considering freelancing, and the market is ripe for…



Sarah Duran
The Startup

By day I’m a freelance project manager, by night (j/k…also by day) I’m a blogger and coach who helps solopreneurs get the most out of work and life.