Source: That’s me talking about “tactics for life” in Eir, Ireland’s largest telecommunications company

From 15 Years Of Heroin Addiction To Author, Speaker And PhD

Change is possible, here’s how

Published in
12 min readApr 23, 2019


“One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.” — Sigmund Freud

I used to think I knew a lot. I didn’t. I believed my own lies, weaving an imaginary world full of delusion, denial, and deceit. Combined with chronic anxiety and an overactive mind, this warped view of reality steered me towards a life of addiction.

In early August 2013, fifteen years of this madness had taken a climactic hold. I lost my job, my mind, every important relationship in my life, and my body was rapidly deteriorating.

I finally decided that I needed help, but the world had other ideas. With too many drugs in my body, I was too much of an insurance risk for detox. They told me to come back when everything except opiates had left my system. But I couldn’t wait, I needed to take action and decided to do cold-turkey at home.

The following few months were the most painful of my life, but also, I believe, the very thing that saved me.

Breaking bad

I was two days into my home detox, and when I came around, I was lying on the sitting room floor with my face in a puddle of blood. It wasn’t my first or last cold-turkey seizure…



Change is possible. I write to show that | Recovered heroin addict turned doctor.