Front-End Web Development: A Quick Overview.

Krati Jain
The Startup
Published in
5 min readNov 2, 2020

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”
― Mark Twain

In today’s tech-savvy world, it is very fundamental to continue patching up your range of abilities. Also, when you search for top ten highly demanded and well paid technical skills, you’re quite certain to find web development pop up. One of the many reasons that made web development a popular career among individuals, is that it does not require any degree; individuals from any foundation, who have the interest to learn, adequate tolerance and time to commit can fabricate a profession in web development.

Starting with something new can always be a little intimidating. Believe me, I was in your shoes a few months ago. It will be a quick overview of various advancements used in front-end web development keeping the viewpoint of a flat out amateur. I will also link a bunch of highly recommended resources to enhance your learning experience.

To put in simple words, web development refers to building and maintaining websites. It is what makes the websites eye appealing, fast, and responsive by using a variety of coding languages.

Web developers fall into these classifications: Frontend, Backend and Full Stack Developers. In this article, we will talk about frontend part of web development.

Front-end web development:

It is also known as client-side development is responsible for the structure, beauty, and brain of the website. It is the part of the website that interacts with the user; ensuring that when the users open the website, the information is visible to them in a format that is easy to read and understand. In spite of the fact that the field of front-end development is very immense with a plethora of tools and techniques, it is it is prudent to begin and ace Html(Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript.


We should begin by clearing the famous confusion about HTML! No, HTML is not a programming language. It makes the skeleton or structure of your webpage. It is a markup language in which we use simple code structures (tags and attributes) to mark up a website page. It was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1993. It is the most mainstream worldwide acknowledged language used to make web pages on the internet. Other uses of HTML include web document creation, navigation through the internet, responsive images on web pages, etc. At the end of the day, the developer can put applications of HTML concepts in real-time usage.

The historical backdrop of html is very intriguing so here is a quick link where you can have a look at it.

Today, you needn’t bother with anything other than a internet connection and you’re good to go to learn HTML. So here’s the list of some of them:

CSS( Cascading Style Sheets)

It is basically responsible for the delightful looks and style of your site. It was built in 1996 by the World Wide Web Consortium.

The term cascading in CSS means that several style sheets may be added to a single web page. It controls how will the HTML document be presented to the user. It is supported by all browsers and is designed to separate the document content from its presentation. Your HTML page’s whole style for example shading, text style, page design is managed by CSS. Presently that you’re mindful of the role of CSS, here’s the place where you can begin


Coming to the most fascinating part and the “brain” of our website. JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language, designed for the creations of web applications. JavaScript is the only programming language native to the web browser. Following a survey by Stack Overflow, it is one of the most popular programming languages followed closely by python. It was made in September 1995, in only 10 days by Brandan Eich. At first, it was named Mocha, then LiveScript, lastly as JavaScript.

It is complimentary to and integrated with Java. JavaScript is very easy to implement because it is integrated with HTML. In the beginning, one might feel that there is a lot to learn in JS but you the fact is that you need to only 60% of the stack to be efficient in web development. The beauty of JS resides in the fact that it is not just limited to Web Development. You can create mobile apps, smart watch apps, games, web applications, websites and a lot more! So here’s where you can start with it:

When you have mastered these skills and want to take things to next level, w3schools have published an amazing roadmap that you can follow

Thank you for sparing your time to read this blog. Happy learning! :) I hope you got a fundamental outline of what is front-end web development. I value any constructive feedback.



Krati Jain
The Startup

Just another homo sapien who loves trying different things and is quite passionate about technology. ;)