Gamification is the Marketing Gem Most Startups Don’t Explore

As an essential segment of human-centered design, gamification is the key to stand out for creating experience marketing, often for free. Airbnb is a great example of a perfect personal gamification case study.

Saygin Celen
The Startup


Gamification is about using psychology to achieve extraordinary results for non-game environments.

As a marketing professional and design enthusiast for life, I see human-centered design as one of the central pieces of marketing. Yet, it’s only used extensively by a handful of companies and the best among them is Airbnb, the company with the concept that was once seemed impossible by the most acclaimed investors.

Gamification can play a major role to boost marketing as well as almost all departments of any business if human behavior is involved.

Just to boost the conversions, a company can use progress bars, invitation-only scarcity, and many more methods.

You need to know human psychology and create the game for it.

Gamification is one of the best art forms in marketing for companies to learn and master. As you use gamification extensively, then, it becomes your advantage over the majority of your competition.



Saygin Celen
The Startup

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