Get Rid of Your Back Issues Once and For All

Lauren Reeves
3 min readJan 7, 2020


Are you in constant pain and discomfort in your back? Do you think the pain that you are feeling will never subside? For some people, the pain doesn’t ever cease. They live with chronic back pain their entire life. However, 22 million Americans don’t suffer each day because they go to a Chiropractor to gain some relief.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

What is a Chiropractor?

Chiropractors are doctors that use hands-on techniques to manipulate the spine and back muscles in order to relieve discomfort for their patients. After the doctor has adjusted your back, most times you will feel instant gratification. Other times, it may take a few appointments for you to feel back to normal. This is especially true when you have experienced a traumatic injury. As the saying goes, time heals all wounds.

Are There Benefits to Seeing a Chiropractor?

With almost anything, there are pros and cons. The same goes for chiropractic visits. Let’s start with the number one benefit: relief. Whether it is temporary or permanent, relief is what we are looking for. No one wants to live each day in pain. Sometimes, though, it takes multiple visits to start to see an improvement. Don’t worry if you are not instantly healed. Keep up with the treatment and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Some other ailments that a certified chiropractor can help with are headaches, neck pain, and disease symptoms. Sufferers of fibromyalgia can get some relief with pressures being applied to various points in the back. Anyone with this horrible disease has good days and bad days. If some pain relief can happen with weekly visits, then why not take advantage of the services chiropractors offer?

What Are Some of the Cons of Going to a Chiropractor?

Some individuals have said that visiting a chiropractor is like visiting a witch doctor. Most of the people that say this have either had a bad experience with a chiropractor or have never visited one. Fear of the unknown or one uncomfortable appointment shouldn’t deter you from giving the doctor a second or even first try. People that are in chronic pain feel relief when going to see a chiropractor. They may not be healed after one session, but they do feel better.

All treatment is given according to the diagnosis received from a professional. Not having a true blueprint of what happened and how to fix it will make a chiropractor’s job more difficult. Skeptical patients don’t see it that way, though. They see a chiropractor that doesn’t know what they are doing and this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Make sure you have received a proper diagnosis and give the office a chance — meaning don’t have one appointment and then stop going. This only hurts your progress and halts your healing.

Give a chiropractor a chance. After all, they can ease your pain and get you living a normal life…if you allow them to do their job.



Lauren Reeves

Former paralegal and teacher turned writer. I have a lot to say about a lot of things.