Get Wealthy so You Can Retire and Get Back Your Freedom

Not so you don’t have to do anything. No. So you make all your own decisions.

Tim Denning
The Startup
Published in
5 min readNov 5, 2021


Photo by Mauro Lima on Unsplash

The hand grenades about to be thrown at me.

I get it. Wealth, freedom, and retirement are three of the dirtiest words on the internet. I deserve a cake in the face for using them in a title. You’re right. But hear me out.

I’m not talking about financial wealth. I’m not talking about retirement where you sit on a beach in your swimmers and sip mojitos all day. I’m not talking about the version of freedom where you assume everybody else is a slave and you’re so smart and good-looking for figuring out how to stack $100 bills. Or even the version of freedom that says if you have a job you’re doing it wrong.

These ideas are so 1990s internet talk.

What we’re talking about is designing a life where you still work like a normal person. Except you reach a point where you no longer have to work in fear. A point in life where you retire from normal work and do whatever work you actually like doing.

I did exactly this. I retired from my job and will never go back, yet I work harder than I ever worked. That reality crushes the current perception most people have of wealth, retirement, and freedom.



Tim Denning
The Startup

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