Getting a Job Is the Ultimate Lifehack

Part-time work + part-time hustle = full-time bliss

Scott Stockdale
The Startup


Photo by Los Muertos Crew from Pexels

Five months ago, I left my job.

Three months later, I got another.

I thought I could do it. I thought I could quit my 9–5 and write full-time. Maybe I still can.

The thing is, I jumped too soon. I wasn’t ready and my brain knew it.

This is gonna go to sh*t. This is gonna go to sh*t. This is gonna go to sh*t…

Now I’m working part-time and my mood has changed. Optimism is back. Scarcity has gone. I don’t feel under pressure to make my side-hustles work. Because of that, they’ll be side-hustles again.

Here’s a formula you can steal:

  • Part-time job (three days a week) = paying your bills
  • Side-hustles (three days a week) = building scalable income sources

It’s a nice balance. One I recommend to creators.*

Here’s why.

*The Footnotes…

I’m privileged

I’m twenty-something. I’m male. My first language is English. I went to university. I love my girlfriend. My family’s the best. I live in the UK’s happiest town.

