Getting Started With Unix Domain Sockets

Matt Lim
The Startup
6 min readApr 2, 2020


Sockets provide a means of communication between processes, i.e. a way for them to exchange data. The way it usually works is that process_a has socket_x, process_b has socket_y, and the two sockets are connected. Each process can then use its socket to receive data from the other process and/or send data to the other process. One way to think about sockets is that they open up a communication channel where both sides can read and write.

A connected pair of sockets creates a communication channel between two processes.

Why do we need sockets? Well, because one process can’t normally talk to another process; this is true when the processes are on the same computer or on different computers. On a related note, there are two main domains of sockets: Unix domain sockets, which allow processes on the same computer to communicate (IPC), and Internet domain sockets, which allow processes to communicate over a network. If that’s confusing, just think of “Unix domain” and “Internet domain” as adjectives that describe the communication range of a socket.

A simplified overview of socket communication domains. We’re going to focus on Unix domain sockets.

In this post, we’re going to focus on Unix domain sockets, and I’ll try to keep it simple.

  • First, we’ll take a look at how clients and servers typically communicate via sockets. Specifically, we’ll go over the system calls involved, and how they’re generally used.
  • Second, we’ll take a look at some actual code. Of course, you’ll be able to run this code yourself.

Let’s get started.

Note: Each socket has two important attributes: a communication domain and a type. There are two main types, stream and datagram. In this post, I’m going to focus on the former. That is, I’m going to focus on streaming Unix domain sockets.

Socket Lifecycle

Let’s say we want to use sockets to send some data from one process to another. What are the main steps required for each process?

Server Process (AKA the server)

This process binds its socket to a known location and accepts incoming connection requests from clients. For each connection request that is received, a new socket is created that is used to communicate with the peer socket (peer socket = the socket at the other end of the connection, in this case the socket created by some client process).

  1. The server creates a new socket using the socket() system call. This returns a file descriptor that can be used to refer to the socket in future system calls.
  2. The server uses the bind() system call to bind the socket to a well-known address, so that the client can connect to it (more on that below).
  3. The server calls the listen() system call to mark the socket as passive, i.e. as a socket that will accept incoming connection requests.
  4. The server calls the accept() system call to accept an incoming connection. This call blocks until a connection request arrives. Note that this function will error out if listen() is not called beforehand. Importantly, this call creates a new socket that is connected to the peer socket and returns a file descriptor associated with it. So, if you want to communicate with the peer socket, you should use the file descriptor returned from accept(), not the file descriptor returned from the call to socket() in step #1. The latter socket remains open and is used to accept further connection requests.
  5. After this, the read() and write() system calls can be used to communicate with the peer socket (i.e. to communicate with the client).
  6. Finally, when the server is done with the socket, it should call close().

Client Process (AKA the client)

This process connects its socket to a passive socket, after which it is free to communicate with the peer socket. Again, note that these two sockets — the passive socket and the peer socket — are different. The former is the one created by calling socket() in step #1 above, the latter is the one returned by calling accept() in step #4 above.

  1. This is the same as #1 above — the process creates a new socket using the socket() system call, which returns a file descriptor that can be used to refer to the socket in future system calls. Note that by default, a socket created using socket() is marked as active, and can be used in a connect() call to connect to a passive socket.
  2. The client calls the connect() system call, which connects to a passive socket. Remember that the server bound its socket to a well-known address — this is the address that should be used for connect(). Note that connect() should be called after listen() is called on the server socket, otherwise it will error. However, it can be called before accept().
The lifecycle of sockets in a client/server model. This depicts a single client for simplicity, but you should note that the server socket can accept many client connections.

Example Code

Finally, let’s take a look at some real code that puts these ideas into practice. Note that this code is adapted from the code presented in Chapter 57 of The Linux Programming Interface — you can view that code here. There are two files involved, each of which compiles to a separate executable.

  • The first, unix_server_socket.c, creates a passive socket and accepts connections. For each connection, it will read from the socket and echo the results into STDOUT.
  • The second, unix_client_socket.c, creates an active socket and connects to the passive socket created by unix_server_socket.c. After connecting, it reads from STDIN and writes to the socket.

Server Code

Client Code

Running the Code

You can get this code by cloning my systems_programming GitHub repository. Then, you can run the server and client by using Buck (instructions on setting up Buck are here).

First, run the server. The server will create a passive socket and start listening for incoming connection requests.

% buck run //sockets:unix_server_socket
Server socket fd = 3
Waiting to accept a connection...
// After running client
Accepted socket fd = 4

Then, run the client — this will connect to the passive socket. After that, you can type input into the client’s terminal. When you press enter, it should be echoed on the server’s terminal window.

% buck run //sockets:unix_client_socket                                      
Client socket fd = 3
Accepted socket fd = 4
Running the client and server processes.

That’s it for this post! I tried to keep this relatively short, but there’s a whole lot more to cover on this topic. If you’re interested in learning more, here’s some recommended reading.

  1. The Linux Programming Interface Ch. 56–61, which is where I learned most of this stuff (specifically Ch. 56).
  2. You might’ve noticed that the example code is very synchronous. For example, the server can’t accept another connection until it is finished with the current one. Folly’s AsyncSocket and AsyncServerSocket make it easy (or at least, easier) to write asynchronous socket code. If you need to do this, it’s worth checking out.
  3. This isn’t really required in order to use sockets, but it’s interesting to read about how sockets are actually implemented.

If you have any questions, let me know, maybe I’ll write about it in the future.



Matt Lim
The Startup

Software Engineer. Tweeting @pencilflip. Mediocre boulderer, amateur tennis player, terrible at Avalon.