Git Ready: A Git Cheatsheet of Commands You Might Need Daily

Practical answers to day-to-day problems

Yakko Majuri
The Startup
Published in
6 min readAug 31, 2020


I use Git every single day.

So do most software developers.

Honestly, Linus Torvalds’ little side project almost feels like a miracle.

However, the tool is so powerful and extensive that it’s easy to get lost in all the possible commands it has.

Hence, based on my own experience, here’s a compilation of answers to common questions about “how do you do X with Git” that I’ve encountered on a regular basis. Some of us may even use these solutions on a daily basis.

Indeed, many of the commands addressed here will be rather simple, and often well-known by the majority of developers.

However, I thought this could be beneficial as a one-stop-shop place for remembering that one command you forgot, as well as providing a good foundation for beginners.

If instead you’d prefer to go over a practical deep dive of Git, you can check out this article.

The Git Cheatsheet 🗒

S️toring changes without committing them



Yakko Majuri
The Startup

Programmer, writer, traveler, hitchhiker, climber, photographer. i.e. lost. (P.S. amateur at most of the above) //