Global level Error Handling in Angular

Darshan Unadkat
2 min readJan 31, 2024


Error handling is a critical aspect of building robust and reliable Angular applications. Handling errors effectively improves the user experience and helps developers identify and fix issues. Here are some error handling strategies in Angular :

  1. Global Error Handling:
    Set up a global error handler to catch unhandled errors in your application. This can be done by creating a service that implements the ErrorHandler interface.

In your AppModule, provide the ErrorHandler with your custom handler.

2. HTTP Interceptor for Error Handling:

Use an HTTP interceptor to handle HTTP errors globally. Intercepting HTTP requests and responses allows you to centralize error handling logic.

Don’t forget to provide the interceptor in your AppModule:

3. Component-level Error Handling:

Implement error handling at the component level, especially for critical operations or asynchronous tasks.

4. Logging Services:

Utilize logging services to log errors and other relevant information. Services like Angular’s Console service or third-party logging libraries can be helpful.

Use this service in your components or services to log errors.

These strategies can be used individually or combined based on your application’s requirements. Effective error handling involves logging errors, providing meaningful user feedback, and implementing appropriate recovery mechanisms when possible.

Let me know if any other ways it’s possible and suggestions are welcome.

