Building the right thing

Goal-oriented Product Development

Maximizing outcomes and minimizing outputs


Product managers are not unlike social scientists in that product managers (should) test their ideas on a targeted population to understand the effect they are having on people’s behaviors. Most importantly, the goal of a product manager is to make economic outcomes clearer so businesses can make evidence-based decisions about what products/opportunities/solutions (value) teams should continuously deliver to users, all while employing a product strategy that speaks to how you hope to deliver on the business strategy. At its core, the role is about communication, setting priorities, and having clear plans.

It is also important to note that all functions should understand that Product = Customer x Business x Technology. Product is not something only the PM can be responsible for managing. Being a product company does not mean the PM runs the show; albeit, they are the glue that binds everything together and should have a great deal of influence (like a GM would) in the organization.

Project v. Product Organization



Matt Lane
The Startup

Product strategist focusing on differentiation, conceptual design, and ways of working.