Going back to ‘why’ this all started

Gizem Cakil
The Startup
5 min readJul 14, 2019


I recently left my super elite job and school to be part of this “new internet” movement that I first started hearing about with Bitcoin and then Ethereum. If you are committing to working in crypto professionally, you have to do a lot of catching up with what’s going on and what everyone is up to. Well, this ‘catching-up’ has been probably one of the most depressing things that I had to go through. Let me tell you why.

The blockchain space is too complicated. I had considered myself a relatively intelligent person, but no I cannot keep up or make sense of what all these blockchain companies or investors are trying to do. I thought we were here to create the infrastructure of our future that is controlled by the people. We had started creating this infrastructure with the grassroot efforts of bitcoin and ethereum miners & nodes. But then we all forgot why, and then started relentlessly porting ‘traditional internet products and processes’ on something we can barely understand. I am sorry to say, but whatever everyone’s investing in crypto is going to these nonsense initiatives and unnatural products trying to force blockchain on things. Wait people, we haven’t even got close to building this infrastructure, the new internet. The Facebooks, Amazons, Apples of the new internet still have a long way to come.



Gizem Cakil
The Startup

MBA Candidate at Harvard Business School, former management consultant at McKinsey & Company, blockchain enthusiast