Going On A Solo Trip To Meet Yourself

Lily Sannikova
The Startup
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2019

You need to get lost to re-discover yourself again

Photo: PublicCo, Pixabay

Why do we always talk about finding ourselves? Isn’t it more fun to get lost?

I’m a vigorous travel junkie so every now and then, I seek to discover new places, unexplored and far-off destinations where nobody knows my name. It’s even more exciting if I can’t speak the local language, which makes it a bit more challenging, but you will be surprised, as how incredible it is, to be able to connect with so many different people no matter where they come from.

In addition to the beauty of witnessing breath-taking views and meeting many amazing people who quickly turn from random strangers to friends, you can also choose to spend some time alone while travelling. Having that quality-me-time is what could make the trip even more rewarding and transformative.

I love travelling alone, as solo trips are extremely eye-opening, gratifying and full of life. It could be one of the most life-changing experiences you can treat yourself with.

I call these solo trips — an extended date with yourself.

Solo travelling, in my words is an an extended date with yourself, that allows you to get to know yourself better, to unlock some hidden parts of your inner being that you have been unintentionally ignoring or deliberately avoiding to bring to the surface.

We can all admit, that it could be a challenging, frightening and overwhelming experience, as breaking free from your “bubble life” and getting out of your comfort zone is scary. You are risking to lose a sense of safety, comfort and predictability, in return for uncertainty, freedom and adventure.

In daily lives we are so caught up in our hectic routines, feeling burdened and overwhelmed with deadlines, responsibilities and worries. In these settings, it becomes extremely difficult to reach a peace of mind, to gain clarity and experience the glorying moments of being in the present time.

One of the beautiful aspects of solo travelling, is that it allows you say “yes” to the present time, taking you to a place — a state of mind, to grasp the truth of who you really are.

It is in those moments when you are alone, confronted with raw and authentic self, stripped down to the core, you finally become liberated from all of the social conditioning that has been placed upon you. You are no longer placed “in the box” and expected to act in a certain way according to your persona. You are free to be who you really are and get a glimpse of your true self.

This is when you meet yourself, someone you will be stuck forever with anyway.

If you dare to explore the world on your own, offering your naked heart and opening your mind to adventures and endless possibilities, you will be continuously filling in the missing pieces of yourself.

Upon your return to your familiar comfort zone, many things won’t feel the same anymore, as you will be rediscovered again. You will come back deeply moved and transformed, gaining a sudden clarity and a fresh vision for life.

The point of these solo-trips is not to escape the reality, but for the reality not to escape you.

However, it is not only about a physical escape to a new place, but more about the place within yourself that you are creating, that provides you with an opportunity to see a reflection of who you really are. You need to give yourself these reality checks, by putting yourself in “places” where you can reach this state of mind.

It is often when you find yourself completely alone and lost, that is when you have an opportunity to be “found” by finding the way to your true self.

It is a check out point to check in with yourself. And that’s when you are putting yourself in the right place to be found.

Sometimes it’s not you who takes a trip, but it’s the trip that is taking you.



Lily Sannikova
The Startup

Living passionately and stopping along the way to write down a bunch of thoughts. https://www.instagram.com/lily.sannikova/