Going Through a Rebrand Amidst a Pandemic to Grow a Company From a Single Marketplace to a SaaS Provider

Learning and insights of helping a company evolve its mission, values and visual identity in a forced remote work environment from an in-house perspective.

Luis Hermosilla
The Startup


Woman enjoying a coffee in front of a laptop at a coffee shop
Photo by Andrew Neel


Following my previous post about how I helped migrate the design tool stack and how we organise design at Florence, a company I recently joined, this post is about how I helped shape a rebrand for the whole company identity, going from a single-product marketplace provider to being a SaaS company offering different products for different audiences, taking into account the customer-facing side as well as the company and enterprise aspect.

Before I joined Florence, one of the exercises of the hiring process was to present a proposal of how would I unify and bring clarity to the product offering, at the time of the interview not even being release, of different products tackling different problems for different audiences. What I didn’t know at the time is that this particular exercise, in this case, a short presentation I put together on Figma, would become the foundation of a major rebrand that would represent an evolution towards a more mature vision…



Luis Hermosilla
The Startup

Lead Experience Designer. Digital wanderer. Based in London. Passionate about all things design. Music, art and photography enthusiast. www.luigiht.com