Goodbye Instagram, hello Ello

Samuel Zeller
The Startup
Published in
10 min readJan 12, 2018


A modified version of the Ello logo (original one is by Berger & Föhr) on an awesome background by Efe Kurnaz.

Do you remember Ello?

In the fall of 2014 headlines praised it as “the Facebook Killer”, apparently it was created as an ad-free alternative to existing social networks. Well guess what, it hasn’t died… their founders never intended it to be a Facebook killer.

It was always about artists, and it’s now better than ever.

It’s 2018 and people are realizing how Facebook and Instagram are turning us into dopamine loops addicts. Don’t hide, I know you’re checking your phone when you wake up and seek those extra followers, that virtual recognition.

Like any social platform owned by a big corporation it’s driven by money and revenue, this is why you said goodbye to a chronological feed and saw recommended posts appear in your feed (from people you don’t follow).

Oh did I mentioned the sponsored posts?
Or the sheer amount of ads for bras?

Update after update, Instagram is turning into a marketing monster. And you’re all accepting it because of that sweet sweet exposure. It was once free of advertising and brands, do you remember that?

As a photographer you can’t “grow” on Instagram if you don’t post what the mass enjoy. Yes it makes photographers literally copy each other styles because only some type of images…



Samuel Zeller
The Startup

Swiss photographer based in Geneva. Fujifilm ambassador. Writing about photography, art and social media. Editor of