Google Sign-In Integration in iOS

A step-by-step walkthrough with sample code.

Lee Kah Seng
The Startup


Google Sign-In Integration in iOS

Since the publishing of my article about Facebook login integration, I have received tons of requests that wanted me to cover some other sign-in methods in iOS.

After doing a quick search on Google, I found that most of the blog posts that talk about Google Sign-in integration are quite old and might have been outdated.

Therefore, I think it is good for me to create a step-by-step tutorial on how to integrate Google Sign-in into an iOS app so that anyone who is working on the integration can refer to this article to get a clearer picture.

The Sample App

Throughout this article, I will show you how to configure your Xcode to use the Google Sign-in SDK as well as how to handle UI changes after a user completed the sign-in/sign-out action.

The following animated GIF showcases what we will achieve at the end of this article.

Google Sign-in integration sample app
Google Sign-in integration sample app

With all that being said, let’s buckle up and get right into it!

Google Sign-In SDK Installation



Lee Kah Seng
The Startup

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