The view from inside Grammarly’s assistant. This image, along with all other images in this article, is a screenshot from Grammarly’s service.

Grammarly Premium Makes A Lot Of Mistakes

Is Grammarly Premium worth it?

Jacob Bergdahl
The Startup
Published in
9 min readMar 24, 2020


We all write. Not just journalists, marketers, and authors. We write formal e-mails to our colleagues and informal messages to our friends. We go onto forums or social medias to discuss our passions. We mindfully craft resumes, delicately selecting the words that will best describe the experience we have gained throughout our adventures.

I certainly do all of the above, while also writing articles for publications here on Medium. What more, in just a handful of months, I will be releasing my first ever book. It is vital that my writing is as proper as it is creative.

Unfortunate, then, is the fact that while most of the content I write is in English, the language is, in fact, not my first. I’ve been practicing English ever since I got Pokémon Blue for the Game Boy, but I still make countless mistakes. Take prepositions, for example. The following looks like a proper sentence to me: “I entered the shopping mall in search for a particular store.” Yet many of you will undoubtedly spot the error that I, for the longest time, could not. You don’t go somewhere in search for a particular store, but of. My Swedish brain can’t always wrap itself around English prepositions.

Fortunate, then, is the fact that digital assistants are making us humans stronger…

